Wave Alchemy Electrik Drums WAV 英文正式版
Electrik Drums is the second in an ongoing line of products to be released
through Wave Alchemy Micro Series catalogue. Offering over 450 samples
from the highly sought after Vermona DRM MK11 drum machine, Electrik Drums
is a must have sample collection for anyone wanting to expand their drum-hit
library with an array of authentic and absolutely colossal sounding analogue
drum samples.
Wave Alchemy 808 Drums WAV 英文正式版
Wave Alchemy Deep Drums WAV 英文正式版
Wave Alchemy AirBase Drums WAV 英文正式版
Wave Alchemy 909 Drums WAV 英文正式版
Wave Alchemy African Rhythms WAV 英文正式版
Wave Alchemy Drum Machines 01 WAV 英文正式版
Wave Alchemy Drum Machines 02 WAV 英文正式版